13 Fishing Concept Z2 casting

Da 320.00€ Da 288.97€


Nuovo mulinello da casting 13 Fishing Concept Z SLD Gen II  L'originale Concept Z ha scosso il settore con la sua rivoluzionaria tecnologia CZB. Questi mulinelli 13Fishing rappresentano una spinta in avanti il limite del design, dell'ingegneria e dei materiali. La NUOVA Gen II Concept Z SLD non delude, inizia con il nuovo sistema di controllo del lancio magnetico SLIDE situato nel punto perfetto per consentire ai pescatori di adattarsi senza perdere un solo lancio. Controlla il lancio controvento e poi a favore di vento su lanci alternati con un semplice movimento del pollice. Lascialo semplicemente girare combinando o isolando la frenata centrifuga a basso attrito con la frenata magnetica SLIDE. I cuscinetti CZB a corrosione zero e un sistema di frizione in composito sono inseriti all'interno del nuovo solido telaio  e delle piastre laterali in carbonio. Questo design stabilisce il nuovo standard per l'innovazione dei materiali.

13 Fishing Concept Z SLD Gen II. See what all the buzz is about! The original Concept Z baticaster rocked the industry with its groundbreaking CZB technology.  Pushing the edge of design, engineering, and materials forward is what the Z is all about.  The NEW Gen II Concept Z SLD reel doesn’t disappoint, it starts with the new SLIDE magnetic cast control system located in the perfect place for anglers to adjust without missing a single cast.   Control casting downwind and then upwind on alternating casts with a flick of the thumb.  Pitch, flip, or just let it fly by combining or isolating the Low-Friction Centrifugal braking with the magnetic SLIDE braking.  Zero Corrosion CZB Bearings and an Advanced Polymer drag system are placed within the new rock-solid Cast Iron Carbon frame and side plates. This design sets the new bar for material innovation.

Key Features

  • Slide Magnetic Cast Control System
  • CZB Bearing Technology
  • Hi-Tech Cast Iron Carbon Frame and Side Plate Construction
  • Ti-Armor Aluminum Hamai Cut Drive Gear
  • 20 lb Advanced Polymer Drag System
  • Alert Drag Clicker
  • Zero Ball Bearings (6 CZB Bearings, 1 Dead Stop Anti-Reverse)
  • Arrowhead Line Guide
  • Reinforced Clutch Cam
  • KeepR Integrated Hook Keeper
  • Generation II Hard Anodized Worm Shaft
  • Low-Friction 6-Way Braking System
  • Beetle Wing Rapid Access Side Plate
  • Trick Shop Compatible

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Imperial Metric
Ball Bearing6+1
Max Drag10 kg
Peso191 gr
Capienza Bobina0.3
320.00€ 288.97€
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Ball Bearing6+1
Max Drag10 kg
Peso191 gr
Capienza Bobina0.3
320.00€ 288.97€
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Ball Bearing6+1
Max Drag10 kg
Peso191 gr
Capienza Bobina0.3
320.00€ 288.97€
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ModelloVelocitaBall BearingMax DragPesoCapienza BobinaTagliaPrezzoQtyAcquista
Z2-8.3-LH8.3:16+110 kg191 gr0.3-
320.00€ 288.97€
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ZSLD2-7.5-LH7.5:16+110 kg191 gr0.3-
320.00€ 288.97€
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Z2-6.8-LH6.8:16+110 kg191 gr0.3-
320.00€ 288.97€
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