Lucky Craft G-Nius Project Original Special Blade System

Da 14.49€


Lucky Craft G-Nius Project Original Special Blade System Il sistema G-Nius permette il tuning veloce di qualsiasi esca con filo metallico, permettendo di modificare impatto visivo ed aumentare drasticamente le vibrazioni ed il flashing. Il G-Nius costituisce un valore aggiunto su pesci che non reagiscono ai classici spinnerbait o per la pesca in ricerca su bass o altri predatori che sono in caccia di pesce foraggio ammassato nei vari strati d'acqua.

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Lucky Craft G-Nius Project Original Special Blade System . Taking spinnerbait tuning to a total new level, the G-Nius Project Original Special Blade System will give an enhanced action that will attract more and bigger bites. Built with a closed eye, the G-Nius Project Original Special Blade System is a a great option for anglers who want to utilize an alabama rig but are legally restricted by the amount of hooks you are allowed to use on each bait or don’t want to use a heavy rig that requires heavy equipment. 

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Imperial Metric
Gold4 willow blade-
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Silver4 willow blade-
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