O.s.p. Dolive Shot

Da 13.50€ Da 12.49€


O.s.p. Dolive Shot. Esche OSP studiate per scivolare in diagonale pigramente all'interno delle cover, queste softbaits hanno il loro baricentro spostato all'indietro. Ideali per essere skippate e fatte lavorare nelle strutture. L'O.S.P. Dolive Shot 4.5" è un soft jerkbait per bassfishing potenziato con essenze attiranti e abbastanza pesante per essere scagliato a grande distenza.

The OSP Do-Live Shot is the standard of next generation which has ultimate performance of back slide. The back slide setting of The Do-Live Stick has high basic performance like fall speed, action and hooking and it can move like shrimp run away. But it also has a drawback that its tail sometimes hangs in the cover, so slow and subtle approach is needed to remove the bait gently. The Do-Live Shot has inherited the basic performance of The Do-Live Stick but at the same time, it was designed to focus on “Back Slide” which can fish any kind of cover effectively and quickly without feeling stress even when you use it roughly. It seeks for fish quick and wide without missing any fish and to have success at the tournament that requires you to catch fish in a limited time and to increase the probability of encountering one more fish to the utmost. Now another backslide worm is going to be released after maturity to overcome the desire of fishing.

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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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O.s.p. Dolive Shot
11.43 cm
13.50€ 12.49€
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11.43 cm

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