Shimano Cardiff AX Spinning

Da 299.99€ Da 245.99€


Le canne da trout area Shimano Cardiff AX rappresentano la serie da trout area game Shimano più avanzata. Le canne Shimano Cardiff AX da area trout, infatti, offrono prestazioni sublimi su tutta la gamma e portano le canne da spinning destinate al trout area a una nuova dimensione di eccellenza.Se apprezzi le piccole complessità che si combinano per produrre più della somma delle loro parti, Cardiff AX è per te. Apprezzerai sicuramente l'incredibile azione parabolica e ti stupirai di come una canna così sensibile e leggera possa lanciare le tue esche con una precisione simile a un laser. Ma è la sensazione che provi quando una trota prende la tua esca che è la più determinante, poiché la tecnologia Softube Top ti dà un tempo extra quasi impercettibile, ma molto reale per impostare l'amo prima che la pressione allerta anche la trota più diffidente. Gli ultraleggeri blank del Cardiff AX sono realizzati con carbonio Spiral X e Hi-Power X. L'aggiunta del Softube Top di Shimano aumenta la sensibilità senza aggiungere ulteriore peso, con conseguente migliore equilibrio e una maggiore sensazione generale di leggerezza. Come ci si aspetta da una canna di così alta qualità gli anelli Fuji Titanium e acciaio inossidabile SiC tipo K, un esclusivo porta mulinello Shimano Ci4+ completano il tutto come la snellezza dei fusti e le impugnature in sughero di livello elevato.


The Shimano Cardiff AX spinning rod family is the most advanced range of trout area rods in the Shimano range. Constructed using the best and most advanced carbon blends, these exquisite rods deliver sublime performance across the range and take trout area rods to a new dimension of excellence. The Cardiff AX area trout rod is a spinning rod for serious trout anglers. If you appreciate small intricacies that combine to produce more than the sum of their parts, Cardiff AX is for you. You will certainly appreciate the incredible ultra smooth parabolic action, with its almost elastic type forgiving qualities. And you will be amazed how such a sensitive and light rod can cast your lures with laser-like precision. But it's the feeling you get when a trout catches your bait that is the most defining, as Softube Top technology gives you an almost imperceptible, but very real extra time to set the hook before the pressure alerts even the most wary trout. . The ultralight Cardiff AX blanks are made from a blend of Spiral X and Hi-Power X carbon. These advanced carbon technologies combine to reduce rotational twist when the rod is flexed during casting or while playing fish, resulting in higher precision and a more faithful parabolic combat curve. The addition of Shimano's Softube Top increases sensitivity without adding extra weight, resulting in better balance and a greater overall feeling of lightness. As you'd expect from such a high quality rod, the fittings are top notch, featuring lightweight Fuji Titanium rings and K-type SiC stainless steel, an exclusive Shimano Ci4 + reel seat that complements the desire such as slenderness of the blanks and grips made of best quality cork.



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Imperial Metric
Total Length1.83 m
Lure Weight Min0.5 gr
Lure Weight Max4.5 gr
Line W.Mono 1-3lb. PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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Total Length1.83 m
Lure Weight Min0.5 gr
Lure Weight Max4.5 gr
Line W.Mono 1-3lb. PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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Total Length1.88 m
Lure Weight Min0.4 gr
Lure Weight Max3.5 gr
Line W.Mono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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Total Length1.88 m
Lure Weight Min0.5 gr
Lure Weight Max4.5 gr
Line W.Mono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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Total Length1.98 m
Lure Weight Min0.5 gr
Lure Weight Max4.5 gr
Line W.Mono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
309.99€ 255.99€
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Total Length1.98 m
Lure Weight Min0.7 gr
Lure Weight Max6 gr
Line W.Mono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
309.99€ 255.99€
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ModelloTotal LengthSezioniLure Weight MinLure Weight MaxPowerActionLine W.PrezzoQtyAcquista
S60UL-FF1.83 m20.5 gr4.5 grULFMono 1-3lb. PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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S60SUL-FF1.83 m20.5 gr4.5 grSULXFMono 1-3lb. PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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S62XUL-F1.88 m20.4 gr3.5 grXULFMono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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S62SUL1.88 m20.5 gr4.5 grSUL-Mono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
299.99€ 245.99€
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S66SUL1.98 m20.5 gr4.5 grSUL-Mono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
309.99€ 255.99€
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S66UL1.98 m20.7 gr6 grUL-Mono 1.5-4lb PE 0.2-0.6
309.99€ 255.99€
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